
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

Supporting Her and Yourself: A Guide for Men Caring for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey

June is Men's Health Month, a time to focus on the often-overlooked well-being of the guys out there. But let's face it, when the one you love is diagnosed with Read More

10 Affirmations to Add to Your Daily Routine

Words have power, and the way we talk to and about ourselves can have a significant impact on our thoughts and behaviors. That’s where affirmations come in—repeating certain phrases to Read More

What Are the 5 Stages of PTSD?

You’ve likely heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that can cause someone to experience anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, and other symptoms after living through a traumatic event. Read More


Join us - Mental Health Awareness Month  Are you or your loved one struggling with emotional effects of a breast cancer diagnosis? We will share valuable insights and coping mechanisms to Read More

Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

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Hope-La Center for Therapy, Wellness, and Training